Services & Pricing

Whether you're joining a class or doing a private session, it's all the same.  Every class you will strengthen and stretch while stoned...slowly!

I look forward to seeing you in the studio

With light + love, 

Katy Karns

A Medication Movement Class

I apply a mix of breath work, Vinyasa flow, self massage and body awareness technique to every session, designed to offer participants a well-rounded mind and body experience. 

60 min class: $20

Price may vary depending on onsite location ranging $15 -$25

In Home Sessions

Private class 6o min class: $20 person
Private class 90 min class: $25 per person. 


A Cannabis Enhanced Neuromuscular Therapy Session

Massage is another tool to find and become aware of your bodie's holding patterns. With my trigger point massage sessions I do a combination of traction, compressions and finding referring tensions to give you a thorough understanding of how to find relaxation on and off the table. CBD creams and oils come in to find that extra relief. 

Treat your self to a self-care session.

60 min session: $120

90 min session: $145

Questions You May Have. 


What can you expect? 

  • A joint is passed around during the first meditation

  • There is open smoke time during longer holds

  • We explore breath work to find and release tensions

  • Slow core work to gain control of balance

  • CBD oils and topical creams available for use at any time

Is it required to smoke? 

No way! Come breath and stretch with us. Feel free to use the non psychoactive CBC oils and creams as well.  All we are trying to create is a save space non-judgmental environment. 

Why Do Syoga?

I can only tell you why I do it, and its because each session will leaves me feeling strong, refreshed, connected to the body and ready to tackle the world. Its like a guided journey through elevated self awareness, and who cant use a some of that?

Why did I create Syoga?

After tens years of doing bodywork I realized that we as a society are very disconnected with our bodies, my self included. I learned that the benefits from massage were beyond the relaxation that you felt during a session and more have the capability of gaining knowledge of your holding patterns and creating plans to shift your focus on your alignment. After hurting myself with a lack of understanding of proper positioning, my only saving grace was starting yoga. I knew with my first class, that I had to one day get the strength to be able to combine self care and yoga in a class. I found myself taking a couple of tokes before class to enjoy that stretch a little more, but at times I felt a judgement with in my self.  Then it occurred to me that it would be nice to create a space for others who enjoy elevated movement with me. Hence Syoga was born. 



So. I am pretty sure that Katy Karns and her S Yoga Class is the best thing to exist on a Sunday.
Maybe ever. Whatever. Lol
CBD oil administered before the class starts, smoke breaks whenever you feel, while you stretch, light pilates incorporated into it, and a teacher who really understands the practice.
I will be back every Sunday for as long as it exists which should absolutely be FOREVER.
Stoner yoga is magic
— Olivia Monahan, Writer at Themashup.Net

“You already did the hard part, you are here on your mat”. Those are the first words that I heard from Katy and immediately felt at ease. I didn’t feel judged by anybody there, I didn’t feel intimidated. Instructor lit up the joint, and this is when I fell in love with S.YogaI have tried yoga in the past and it was mainly at more known places like 24 hour fitness, or daily yoga or some other heavily marketed brands and, as I sadly came to discover, excessively commercialized. I will never forget my last yoga session at the gym. It felt like a robotic workout, with your fellow neighbors who were way far advanced than you are constantly throwing you looks like “ya.. you clearly don’t belong”. The instructor’s “downward dog, plank, first something or other warrior. By the end of first few poses I was out of breath because I had no idea how to breathe through these. Not to mention I pulled a few muscles. Now, how the hell did that happen?I never came back and didn’t consider yoga for the next 6 years.“Inhale, exhale all the bullshit from the day”. Then I heard giggling in the back of the room and all of the sudden everyone is laughing like “oh yea, welcome to the club!” Bullshit out, dope ass music begins and that’s when you truly ascend. Every pose, every breath is beautifully voiced by Katy. Bringing awareness to each particle of your body. You don’t feel pain, you adjust to what feels good and allow your body to guide you through breath and alignment.I am almost one year into it and the experience of each class is completely unique filled with awareness, epiphanies and much needed stillness of the mind. 

— Nuriya Safarova,

Syoga has got to be one of the most relaxing, hilarious, stress relieving activity to do on a Sundays evening. Katy is so wonderful with how she gently moves her class along. I was hooked after day one! HIGHly recommend this for anyone who believes in the medicinal benefits for herb, movement sound and relaxation.
— Jessica Wil, Contortionist
“SYoga is one of the things I look forward to each Sunday. Great chance to chill with some awesome folks while getting stretchy and strong. And Katy Karns is just a force of nature. It’s impossible to not smile in her presence (and sometimes laugh hysterically).”
— Kiersten Schjei
— Jupiter, The Artist


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